Women get bored of having the same conversations with men over and over again. If you can engage a woman with some different topics of conversation which you are able to maintain, you will stand out from the rest and generate attraction. To become an interesting conversationalist you just need to follow a few simple guidelines:
1. Avoid hairdresser conversation
Don't you just hate the meaningless kind of conversations which you have with your hairdresser, person in the post office queue, your aunt you hardly ever see? I like to call this kind of conversation 'conversation on rails'. It’s usually boring, shallow and has no specific direction. Whenever we meet new people they always ask "what do you do?", “where are you from?", "do you come here often?" and so on. We hate answering these questions over and over again, yet we continue to ask them to other people we meet. For attractive women who must get approached regularly, the issue is even greater. Women see these questions as time fillers which the men are not genuinely interested in knowing the answer to, so it is important to come up with some new material.
2. Don’t interview her
Women are often approached by men who immediately fire a series of questions at them, making them feel as though they’re appearing on a quiz show. The man’s only response to her answers is usually “oh really, so…”, showing that they are not actually interested and this stops deeper conversation from forming. This quickly becomes very tedious and any woman who puts up with it is either extremely attracted to you or just very polite! Avoid asking a series of gruelling questions, try asking one, make a connection on the point and then allow this to lead on to another. For advanced level skills, try to elicit the answer without even having to ask the boring question – make an assumption or guess about what she does, where she is from, or what food she likes. You get the same information but by doing this the conversation is more interesting for her.
3. Don’t state the obvious
If a girl has pretty eyes, she has probably heard it 500 times and doesn't need to be told. Find something more specific to her, preferably not about her appearance, or don't say anything at all. It is fine to give an obvious compliment with feeling when you are already together, but in the early stages, it is not what she wants as it comes across as being quite fake...
4. Have interesting answers to standard questions
There are certain questions and conversational paths that occur again and again for each person. Think about the questions you regularly get asked, and have a more interesting reply prepared in the back of your mind. If a conversation gets boring, even if it's on the girl’s part, she won't remember it was her fault, she will just know she is bored and this doesn’t give her a great impression!
5. Talk with passion
If you can talk with passion about the things you care about, it lures people in. If you enjoy something, let it show: be expressive, use visual and emotive language. People get caught up in it and start to feel good too. When they feel good, they will want to talk to you more.
Consider these points when engaging in conversation and you will be much more interesting, not just with women, but with everyone. Because most people don’t have these points in mind, they rerun the same game over and over, and its will be easy to stand out.
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